
Summer Holydays

I´m not sure where I will spend this summer holydays, but what I am sure of is that I will see my family, and I will spend it with them, I don´t see them about a year ago, I am very excited about it. The last summer vacations I traveled to Paragay to visit them, now they will come to Chile, I still don't know if we will go to Chiloe, to visit my grandmother, or Temuco, to see some friends of the family, or to Iquique the city where they they will stay to live next year. With any of the options I am happy, I just want to be with them, I love spending time with them, we have a great time together, especially with my brothers, they are very funny, when we are together we laugh too much. If we go to Ancud-Chiloé we would like to visit the island that it has, whenever we travel we stay at home, we only know Ancud, this summer vacation I would like to visit Achao and Quemchi, I have heard that they are very beautiful places. If we go to Temuco, we are probably going to Villarrica, Pu

Free Post

I have a problem, and I´ll use this post to ask for help, ask for some advice. So, if you are reading and you know a solution, please, tell me. I guess this started like six years ago, when I started to take my own decisions, making my own routine... I decided to make my homework always at the last time, there is when my procastination problem started. And I can´t say that was totally irresponsible, because I always did my homework, being totally irresponsible would be to not do it at all, and I always reached to finish it, at school was easy to do that, when I had an exam, I studied the same day in the mornig, not even the last night, and the bad thing about that is that I always had good grades, I think that was something bad, because I never learned the lesson. Now i´m in first year of University, and is totally diferent, in here you can´t make the works in the last day, you have to didicate time doing your works, the prototipes, analysis, studying for the exams. My problem is t

Post Graduate Studies

Sincerely speaking, I hadn´t thought about taking a post graduate studies, or one in especific, I was only focus in finishing my career first. But if I ask to myself, I would like to, I feel that I have to take one as minimum, because we never stop learning, and I´m sure that there´s a lot of options after finishing my career. I´m conscius that the studies are not free, so I guess that I would get a job first, obtain an economic stability, and then I could think in taking a post graduate studies related to my career, in that period of time, while i´m stabilizing I could take some courses to not lose the study habit, could be something about languages, i always like that, maybe french, arabec, portuguese, there are many languages in wich I´m interested, and I know that will be really usefull, and that is something that I need, because my plan is to make proyects in other countries, so the lenguages are really important to me. And about where I want to study that, depends on the len

Why architecture?

Why I chose the career that I chose? I usually make me this question, Why architecture? I´ve not answer me completely that question yet, but little by little I'm realizing that this career is for me. When I was a child I used to think about the future, in what I wanted to be, at first I was thinking on being a vet, like all the kids who likes puppies, then my aunt told me that I would have to go to the field to vaccinate cows, and I didn´t like cows, so she killed my dream. Then I whas thinking in work in the FBI, I watched a lot of TV at that time.  But then, when I grew up I told to myself that I have to take tha seriously... So I did a lot of vocational tests. I wasn´t happy with the results, because they were really bad vocational tests, It wasn´t a smart decision.  Then I just stop thinking about that at all, until I was in the last year of school. In that moment I started to think  about what I really like, and I started to discart other careers, those careers where I d


My Favorite Movie Since I was a child I really enjoying watching movies, I remember that I used to watch the same movie a lot of times, my big brother was bored of that, because we had only one TV, so we had to watch the same, and when he tried to change the movie I started to cry, I was the worst sister, but was only because I really enjoying doing that. Now I get bored easily of the movies, I don´t use to repite them, but that change with some movies, the movies that I really like. For example, one of my favorites movies, one of the best movies ever, in my opinion, Guardians of the Galaxy, in general I love Marvel's movies, but my favorite one is Guardians of the Galaxy. There was a time when I was obsessed with fictional movies, fictional books, now I prefer thrillers movies, but this movie still being my favorite one. I like the story, the characters are funny, the aperence of the different kind of people who exist in that universe is interesting, I love Groot, and the so


Holydays, five years ago, when I was fifteen I traveled with my mother and my big brother, to visit my mother's family, we went to Bolivia, in a city near to the capital, La Paz. There were my favorite holidays. Even when we were sick for a complete week, por the altitude and the pressure of the place. I can say that that was my favorite holiday for a lot of reasons, first, I didn't see my grandfather's sinse I was seven, I really missed them, second because a meet a lot of new people, I meet new family, and know new places. With my cousins we went to a place where we can swim, I love swimming, then we went to a hill, I almost died, I was really tired, but I made it, and I arrive to the top of the hill, the view was wonderful. I felt in love with that place, the next year we went back, but wasn't a happy travel, because my grandmother was really sick. I hope a could go back next year. I can't wait to see my family, and my grandmother, she is the best <3


A COUNTRY I WOULD LIKE TO VISIT There´s a lot of contries that I would like to visit, but I one of them is my favorit, Greece. I don´t know that place, I never investigated a lot about this country, I don´t even know where´s exactly on the map, I´ve only seen pictures of some places in there, but that was enough to know that I want to be in there someday. My father traveled to Greece three years ago, and told me how much he liked the place, how diferent is the country, the language, the food, the culture, the people. There´s a lot of tourist places to visit, a variety of museums. When I travel to Greece, I will go for a couple of weeks, to tour several cities, know diferents places, and observe the art and architecture of the place. Some places of there that I definitly have to know are: the acropolis of athens, Santorini, Mykonos, and Crete Region. Some day I will go there, I just need time and money.