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I have a problem, and I´ll use this post to ask for help, ask for some advice. So, if you are reading and you know a solution, please, tell me.
I guess this started like six years ago, when I started to take my own decisions, making my own routine... I decided to make my homework always at the last time, there is when my procastination problem started. And I can´t say that was totally irresponsible, because I always did my homework, being totally irresponsible would be to not do it at all, and I always reached to finish it, at school was easy to do that, when I had an exam, I studied the same day in the mornig, not even the last night, and the bad thing about that is that I always had good grades, I think that was something bad, because I never learned the lesson.
Now i´m in first year of University, and is totally diferent, in here you can´t make the works in the last day, you have to didicate time doing your works, the prototipes, analysis, studying for the exams. My problem is that I still doing that, so, I have to deliver unfinished works, or I have to stay working all night, without sleeping at all. I´m really conscious that this is not working, but I just can´t change that, I´m trying, but it´s very difficult, I´ve tryed in many ways. 
You could maybe think that that´s normal, everyone do the same, but if you know me, you will realize that my case is extreme, I have to change that. 
