Post Graduate Studies

Sincerely speaking, I hadn´t thought about taking a post graduate studies, or one in especific, I was only focus in finishing my career first. But if I ask to myself, I would like to, I feel that I have to take one as minimum, because we never stop learning, and I´m sure that there´s a lot of options after finishing my career.
I´m conscius that the studies are not free, so I guess that I would get a job first, obtain an economic stability, and then I could think in taking a post graduate studies related to my career, in that period of time, while i´m stabilizing I could take some courses to not lose the study habit, could be something about languages, i always like that, maybe french, arabec, portuguese, there are many languages in wich I´m interested, and I know that will be really usefull, and that is something that I need, because my plan is to make proyects in other countries, so the lenguages are really important to me. And about where I want to study that, depends on the lenguage that I´ll be studying, because I want to learn each lenguage in their own country, for example, I would like to study french in France, or Arabec in Lebanon, portuguese in Brazil, but that´s only an idea, probably won´t be possible, so the other option is taking this class online, because as much I like to travel and know new countries, I like staying at home, sounds contradictory, but is not.
After this period of time, when I suppose to be stabilized, I would like to take a part time master degree in architecture, probably in Canada, or Australia.
I know that this are my ideas and plans for the moment, during this time studying at the university, I could change my mind, i couldn´t know what I´ll be thinking next year, the next month, or even tomorrow, but for now and today, that´s what I want to do after gratuating.
