Summer Holydays

I´m not sure where I will spend this summer holydays, but what I am sure of is that I will see my family, and I will spend it with them, I don´t see them about a year ago, I am very excited about it.
The last summer vacations I traveled to Paragay to visit them, now they will come to Chile, I still don't know if we will go to Chiloe, to visit my grandmother, or Temuco, to see some friends of the family, or to Iquique the city where they they will stay to live next year.
With any of the options I am happy, I just want to be with them, I love spending time with them, we have a great time together, especially with my brothers, they are very funny, when we are together we laugh too much.
If we go to Ancud-Chiloé we would like to visit the island that it has, whenever we travel we stay at home, we only know Ancud, this summer vacation I would like to visit Achao and Quemchi, I have heard that they are very beautiful places.
If we go to Temuco, we are probably going to Villarrica, Pucon or Licanray, because they are tourist cities that are nearby, they are very beautiful, we have already gone before, and that was one of my best vacations, I hope that it repit, and I could say the same of these coming holidays.
If we go to Iquique I have no idea of what we are going to do, because I´ve never been there. But it´s not important to have everything planned, the most important thing is that I will be with my family :)
